BeerQR.com is a free advertising microblog, zone by zone of ​​the world. Exclusive for beer brands, bars, restaurants and other funny places in the cities.
However, to participate, companies must donate $5 usd/month (60 usd/year) for an International BeerQR Quality Evaluation Committee to approve their participation.
Please, before making a donation, Contact Us to send us your online business information (website, facebook, instagram, etc.) and approve its quality, for the benefit of all users.
After evaluating it, we will send you a private message of Approval. And when you make the donation, you will receive a personalized registration form so you can enter posts (ads) of your business.
People do not need to donate or register. They just visit the homepage, select the zone and view the posts (ads) from the companies. There are no comments..
Registered businesses (donors) enter 5 posts (ads) every 24 hours, lasting 30 days (150 posts/month). Each post is 500 characters long, with photos (no videos), unlimited links to the business, such as website, social media, YouTube videos, magazine and newspaper articles.
They also generate a personalized QR code that can be used on brochures, street ads, cans, bottles and all kinds of media.
At the moment the site is only available in English and Spanish. However, posts (ads) may be in other permitted languages.
Thank you for your participation.

Platform owned by: ZONNES TOKEN - Blockchain
Source code developed in 2011 - All rights reserved